Zouk37 cov
Fresh sour and good-colored summer apple with high productions.

Breed Description
Breeder: Zouk Belgium
License: tree nursery Johan Nicolaï
Color: red blush on a light green background with small gray lenticels.
Coloring: 50% to 100% colored.
Size: 70/85 mm.
Flesh: white, firm but crisp
Storage: Good retention of texture and flavor for up to 6 weeks in regular refrigeration.
Aroma: Fresh sour, no pronounced aroma.
Acids: Slightly acidic.
Texture: Very juicy, firm yet crispy.
Flowering: mid-season.
Picking time: two weeks before gala.
Hardness: 8 kg/cm²
Pollinators: Golden, Granny Smith, Idared, ...
Tree type: branches easily. Very fertile. Slightly susceptible to fruit tree canker. Sufficiently attentive.
Force of growth: medium to strong. Important to maintain sufficient growth in the head.
Production: Very productive, early and good yield.
Brustem industrial park
3800 Sint-Truiden